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In-twined in creativity...

In-twined is the entangled gifts of intuition, soul and love. To in-twine yourself in YOU is where the flow of sacred self love, joy, harmony and abundance starts.

It all started with a squiggle...

I grew up with a very creative mummy, our summers were spent learning different arty farty techniques and skills.

I watched her run a craft business and more importantly saw her spend her days doing things that she loved in the creative world.

For many years, I thought she was weird. As she spent her days, simply creating and fiddling around finding pieces of nature, to put into little gifts or home decor.

I never dreamt of possibilities in the art world just watched. Yet in recent times, I have realised how much of my life has been spent chasing the when, the hustle & the media dream. All this Instead of living in the moment, letting my life flow.

I cannot say that it is the weird time of COVID that has induced this new flow and My hope for a simpler life.

But I do think that it is had an impact on me realising how precious life is. And that, to continually Chase the future is missing out on moments that are so important and valuable.

A moment of now.

I started painting the canvases a few years ago in Hawaii, I enjoyed them in my home always a little embarrassed to share them.

The most important factor was I enjoyed the process of creating.

The last two weeks I've had a niggling feeling that I need to start painting on. And so in-twined with birthed.

I'm so excited to share these as they bring me so much joy to not only create, but to look at.

I wish this for you to.

The biggest thing that creating these simple and neutral pieces has brought to me is the fact that joy and peace occurs when we sit in the stillness.

The stillness of our own presence, our own mind, and our own guidance.

This truly is where the magic comes from and where magic is created.

I am excited to see what In-twined will bring.

All I know for now, is that it is making my vibration higher, my joy factor higher and my excitement.

In turn, my belief is that, that impacts everyone I know and beyond.

So the simple goal of In-twined is to “ in-twine” love, joy, and intuition into a simple piece of art that can be put into anyone's home to therefore Raise the love, joy and intuition there too!

Now back to my brushes.

Big love hj x

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